Hi. I'm Joe Tannorella - a full-stack developer and marketer from Cardiff, UK.
Certbot wouldn’t renew the cert for my domain. I decided to venture into the certbot config files (/etc/letsencrypt/ by default) and remove the renewal file so that I could reinstall the cert from scratch: rm /etc/letsencrypt/www.joetannorella.com.conf However, when trying to reinstall a cert again (certbot renew), I was getting this: renewal config file {} is…
I recently had a somewhat unique situation whereby I needed a custom template per post of a custom post type. Consider the custom post type being ‘services’, then you’d set it like this: The URL structure follows something like: /services/web-development /services/consulting /services/cooking …and so on. In this example, I was looking to have a drastically different…
Edit: the output of this tutorial can be seen with the ‘agree’ and ‘disagree’ buttons here: http://www.youthenme.com/sites/review/ I’m fairly experienced with using AJAX and its various jQuery shorthand implementations, but having never implemented AJAX into a WordPress theme I’ve had to do quite a bit of Googling. I’m writing this post to show how I’ve implemented AJAX…
10/06/2016 Note: I originally wrote this post for myself as a Google Doc with no intention of publishing it on my own blog. However, I’ve decided to put it on here so I can openly receive feedback and tell people my plans… A word of warning: not much effort has been put into editing this post…
This problem seemed to come out of nowhere and was driving me crazy for at least 15 minutes. This is the error message I was getting (I have redacted and edited a few directories of this for privacy): Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_header() in /link/to/wordpress/install/public_html/wordpress_root/index.php on line 17 The problem was occuring on a pretty…
This bothered me for way too long before actually discovering the solution. The solution is written there in plain English within the register_post_type array, yet I didn’t think to fiddle with it. The problem was regardless of permalinks settings, my single custom post type would always 404. It didn’t matter if I used the default…